CANVAS - Resources for Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)

Resources for Students Resources for Instructors

Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) play a key role in teaching courses at Missouri S&T. They may be the primary instructor of a course, or they may be assisting professors with managing the day-to-day activities within a course. 

GTAs can fall within two different Roles in Canvas: Teacher or TA.

Teachers have full access to all course materials and can modify a course however they see fit.

TAs have most of the access of Teachers, but in a few areas, such as grading, a Teacher can override a TA's activity.

The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence supports all teaching activities of GTAs just as they do for full professors. All that matters is whether or not an individual has an instructional role in the classroom.

Here is a presentation that the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence provides to all GTAs at the regular GTA Workshops in the Spring and Fall.

Getting Started with Canvas