Below you can find a list of all IT staff, categorized by functional area. For more information about how staff within IT are organized, see the S&T IT Organizational Chart.
Suite E110A – Phelps Health Annex, 1100 West 10th St.
Staff by Department
Strategic Infrastructure assists in developing and implementing the technical strategies and technologies needed inside and outside Information Technology.
Technology Support provides high quality support and innovation in delivery of information technology products and services to empower our S&T customers (please see for more information).
Network & Systems is responsible for all IT infrastructure on campus in support of desktop & server computing, database, network, and telecommunication services.
IT Business Services works closely with IT Directorates and staff members, as well as with various constituencies from across the campus. They provide support in the areas of administrative, project/portfolio management, fiscal, personnel, communications, and asset management.
The IT Research Support Solutions (RSS) team is charged with providing technology consultation in support of research efforts on campus. RSS also provides operational support for many common-use research-focused systems on campus, as well as IT problem management for systems within their scope. For more information go to
IT Security works closely with IT Directorates and staff members, various constituencies from across the campus and with UM System. They provide support in the areas of technology security services.