Learning Environments Support


Some frequently asked questions that will help out in the classroom.


  • Calibrate Pen
    • Go to the search bar in your computer
    • Type in "Wacom Tablet Properties"
    • A screen will pop up. Press the "Calibrate" tab
    • Select the correct screen and begin.
    • Tap each of the symbols and calibration will be complete.


    • Control Pannel 
      • To turn on the projector there will be a box shaped panel on the desk.
        • Tap the screen and the projector will turn on.
        • The blackout button will temporarily turn off the screen
        • The shutdown button will shut down the projector and bring the panel screen back to the start
    • AMX
      • To turn on the projector there will be a 4-16 button panel on the podium.
        • Press the button with the green power symbol and the projector will turn on.
        • The mute button temporarily turns off the screen
        • Pressing the laptop or podium button allows the projector to change inputs
        • There will be a red light that turns on when the button is on

How to Plug in a Laptop:

  • VGA Cable
  • HDMI Cable

Auto Tracking Camera:

  • To turn on auto tracking press the button with a face on the remote
  • To turn auto tracking off press the same button again
  • To zoom into the podium press the button with a home symbol inside the camera


  • To use the owl open Zoom, Panopto, Teams, etc.
  • Make sure "Meeting Owl" is selected as your mic, camera, and speaker
  • The camera will auto track movement and zoom in once turned on.

RevoLab Mics:

  • Lift the mic out of the doc to turn it on
  • If the light is red press the mute button on the front till the light is green
  • To turn off the mic simply place it back into the dock

Document Camera:

  • Open the document camera app on the desktop
  • Select the document camera in the drop down menu
  • Adjust the camera as needed to view.


  • For students:

    • Login to One Canvas and choose the Zoom link in the left navigation.
    • Select the Join button on the page that opens to participate live during class time
    • Remote students must join audio in the Zoom meeting to interact with faculty and classmates. Students joining the live Zoom meeting in the classroom DO NOT join audio.
    Please Note: We recommend that remote students use a headset microphone for the best interactive classroom experience.  Please check with your professor for webcam requirements


One Canvas FAQs

  • Combine your course sections in One Canvas. You can combine multiple sections of your course into a new course. That way all of your students can access the same material and you only need to post it to one course.

Course Combine Instructions

  •  CAFE (Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence): The CAFE'S Instructional Design team can provide you with online resources and tutorials as well as information on booking hands-on sessions to upgrade your course design and delivery.

Visit the Cafe


  • Set up a new notebook to automatically save to your S:// drive. (This will make the OneNote files readily available to you.)
  • Save a file to OneNote:
    • With OneNote open, go to the file on the computer that you wish to bring to OneNote (PowerPoint, PDF or Word document)
    • Open the Print Menu
    • Choose Send to OneNote
    • Choose Print
  • Save OneNote files in PDF format (to post for students, etc.)
    • Open the OneNote notebook, page or section you want to export to PDF
    • Choose File>Export
    • Under Export Current, you can save the Notebook, Page or Section depending on the option you choose in the native format
    • Under Select Format choose PDF, then click Export
    • In the Save As dialog box, choose your S:// drive
    • Give the file a name and choose Save

Contact Learning Environments Support

We are available Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm:

  • Email it-les@mst.edu 
  • For emergency support in the classroom: Call 573-341-6611
  • Classroom tours for Faculty available by appointment.  Email it-les@mst.edu

Note to Faculty: If you are teaching in a classroom for the first time and would like to familiarize yourself with the classroom technology, you can make an appointment with Learning Environments Support to tour the room by sending an e-mail to it-les@mst.edu.

a photo that looks supporty for itms support

Tim Cain

Supervisor Audio Visual Design

Craig Crawford
Michelle Mehmert
Jacob Mungle
Megan Thompson
Patrick Fehrenbach