Miner Card FAQs

What if I need a replacement card?

You will need a new card if yours is split, worn out, lost, or isn't working. You can report your Miner ID card lost or stolen here. If your Miner Card is not working first check here to see if you have the 2.0 or 2.1 version update.  If you do have the 2.0 or 2.1 version come to the Help Desk in the Curtis Laws Wilson Library to confirm that it isn’t an issue with the card itself. The replacement fee is $15.

I found someone's Miner Card. Where should I take it?

Please report all lost cards to the Help Desk in the Curtis Laws Wilson Library. We will email the owner and have him/her pick it up at our office.

How do I get access to buildings on campus?

In order to get building access, you must contact the Access Coordinator of that building. Visit the Design and Construction Management site for a list of Access Coordinators and/or for more information on access control.

The name on my card is incorrect.  How do I get this fixed?

To correct or change your name, visit the Registrar’s Office located in 103 Parker Hall. Once the Registrar's Office has it updated in the system, we can reprint a card. This usually takes 24 hours.

What's the policy on photos?

Your Miner Card serves as an official form of identification. Hats, sunglasses and any other clothing items that might obstruct the view of the face may not be worn. No facial or hand gestures or objects are to be included in the photo. In accordance with the U.S. Department State passport standards, individuals may only wear a hat or head covering if he/she wears it daily for religious purposes. Individuals full face must be visible and the head covering cannot obscure the hairline or cast shadows on the face.

How do I get a dependent card?

Spouse or child of a benefit eligible employee is eligible for a dependent card. The child cannot be over the age of 21. Dependent cards are required for children if you intend to use the pool. They will be required to show a form of ID we accept a valid, government issued ID. If the dependent doesn't have a valid ID, we accept birth certificates as verification. We also need information from you in order to issue your spouse and/or child a dependent card as well as verification that they are your dependents so you must be present as well.

Can I get more than one card printed?

The Miner Card ID office will only issue one card type to users with multiple roles (student, staff, alumni, dependent, etc.). In the event that a staff member is a student, he/she must decide between a staff or student card type. In the event that a dependent is also an alumni, he/she must decide between a dependent or alumni card type, etc. S&T does not allow for a user to hold multiple active cards.