NEW LOCATION NOTICE: Get help with ID Cards at the IT Help Desk located inside the Curtis Laws Wilson Library
The Miner Card is your official Missouri S&T identification card. Your Miner Card features your photograph and name. On the reverse side is a magnetic strip encoded with student and campus information that allows you to have access to Chartwells dining services, Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building, Student Health Services, Curtis Wilson Laws Library, the S&T Store, campus buildings and computer labs. Contactless technology allows physical external access to all buildings on campus. Treat your Miner Card with the same care as you would an ATM or Credit Card. Do not punch holes in your card or adhere any stickers or decals to your ID. Doing so will result in having to purchase a replacement card.
Find out where to use your ID Card and even find some discounts your card can get you!
You can disable and enable access to your card online!
Find out what forms of payment we accept and how much a replacement card costs.
See some frequently asked questions! If you still have more questions you can always come visit us or give us a call!
The Miner ID Card Office is located at the Help Desk in Curtis Laws Wilson Library. Hours are from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. For questions or concerns regarding your Miner Card, please contact the Help Desk at or 573-341-4051.
The Help Desk from May to August will run on a smaller staff and more limited hours from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Please check eConnect and @sandt_newstudents for updates on summer hours and office closings.