IT Security Incident Reporting

Information Security Incident reporting is the process of collecting and reporting suspicious, inappropriate, or unauthorized activity related to University electronic systems and data. This includes but is not limited to suspected account abuse, data theft, data loss (such as loss of a thumb drive with sensitive information), and system security breaches.

When should I involve the Campus Police?

Physical security incidents (such as theft and break-in) should be reported immediately to the Campus Police, then reported to IT.  All other incidents should be reported to IT immediately.

Why is reporting an incident important?

Information Security Incident Reporting is a mandatory reporting requirement within the University of Missouri. More importantly though, reporting a problem allows IT to act more quickly to stop a potential threat and limit the amount of damage it causes.

How do I report an incident?

All IT Security Incidents should be called in to the IT Help Desk at 573-341-4357 (HELP) or emailed to  After an incident has been reported, the IT Security team may contact you to follow up for further information.

When reporting an incident, provide as much detail as possible, including the following details:

  • What has physically happened (such as in the event of a laptop theft, or finding key-logging hardware attached to a machine, etc.)
  • Why you suspect data theft/abuse (such as finding personal documents tampered with, sensitive data modified, etc.)
  • When you suspect the incident occurred (such as the date a modified document was last known to have correct data).
  • Where the incident may have occurred.